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EAL/D & Digital Literacies
Get Started, Watch the Vimeo
Reinventing an Approach: EAL/D Language Learning & Teaching
LIN8020: Digital Literacies in Practice
Digital literacy is the competency set of required skills for full participation in the knowledge society.
It includes knowledge, skills, and behaviours involving the effective use of digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs and other devices.
The purpose is for communication, expression, collaboration and advocacy.
Web2 Tools: What are they?
Answer: Online applications and resources.
Educating the current generation of LLs has introduced new challenges.
With the advent of the Internet and introduction of mobile technological devices, which are accessible by almost everyone; i.e. smart phones, tablets, iPhones and iPads...
They have created a new and affordable pathway towards education for all.
Web2 Tools to Check Out
Reinventing the Wheel:
How do Web2 tools support authentic LL?
By exploring global and transnational contexts and voices, participants employ Web2 tools, and hand-held technologies to becoming creators and users of Open Education Resources for language teaching.
Download the sample .pdf

Music Samples:
A handful of useful demos, samples. Just post a message on Sound Cloud for use, purpose, etc.
Digital Integration​:
DI is a project of this Aluminus'
It is a community-based program interested with innovation in the arts, culture and communication. -
Presently, digital literacies and EAD/L is a focus of interest.
Work in Progress: Click the DI icon and head to Facebook.
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