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Developing an OER Evaluative Matrix

Introduction The long awaited present paradigm of language learning development, and change began at the turn of the century. Now in the digital age the transformation has been due to innovation in education and industry, which has caused people to change their habits in order to survive in the 21st century. Already at the turn of the century I graduated with multimedia skills nearly 15 years ago, yet until the rise of portable devices and their development, progress has been slow. Now with the rise of OERs there appears to be more functionality and good purpose involved for people to want to explore personal opportunities through education.

It's hopeful then that a wide variety of resources will become available for not only an Australian Curriculum for pedagogy, but also more resources for andragogy as well, those in the intermediate language learning segments around the globe. There are lots of resources for HE learning, and autonomous huetagogy learning contexts. For this development to become a reality. Time is the main denominating factor because developing resources that pass OER Evaluation Procedures for quality control and effective and ethical andragogy and huetgogy positioning will take more time; especially designing courses for those in between levels. And as technology continues to develop, OERs will probably need adjusting and refining to fit into the organic existence proposed.

People are enthusiastic and that is great for motivation. This development concerns the collaboration and use of Web2 [social media] digital tools and mobile devices with other free open educational digital resources. In general students are guided by a teacher, or life-coach, although self-education is possible. In 2000, UNESCO put OER in the spotlight and now it’s starting to flourish. However, there is a necessity to evaluate these tools and resources in order to test functionality as a measure of quality assurance.

John Carol from the Interactive Design Foundation states that: although, Human-computer interaction (HCI) is an area of research and practice that emerged in the early 1980s the continuing synthesis of disparate conceptions and approaches to science and practice in HCI has produced a dramatic example of how different epistemologies and paradigms can be reconciled and integrated in a vibrant and productive intellectual project. Interestingly, two components stand out that have rolled over from Web1 into Web2; they are ‘usability’ and ‘utility.’ After all,

  • If the user cannot use the resource as expected, then it is not an effective learning tool.

  • The usability experience supported via utility is one of the main areas of concern, and there are various parameters to engage.; e.g. 'gamification' is one way to hold attention spans of learners from primary to HE. However, not all learners want to play games.

  • Below is a HCI diagram I started with, and its still growing. See the OER Matrix blog.

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Creative Commons. University of Life and Hard Knocks. All work by Lenard Carter, updated October 2020.

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